Colostrum, more than anything else, influences calf health and survival prior to weaning, said Sabine Mann during a Cornell Cooperative Extension webinar
Even as an election looms on the horizon, USDA will soon develop its Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) modernization recommendations after months of proceedings
The lack of price-supportive grain news means that feed prices have settled into a weaker pattern in recent months and are set to continue their declines
There is a lot of pessimism about U.S. milk production in 2024. Even USDA, in their monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, has been continuously cutting the 2024 milk production...
The year started off with disappointing milk prices for dairy producers and uncertainty about when the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program for 2024 would be available
It seems elementary, but it’s an important fact to remember when we’re aiming to produce high-quality milk and maintain udder health: The way pathogens infect the udder is through the teat...
Subclinical mastitis, by definition, rarely gets noticed because it’s not visual. However, nearly 75 years ago, the California Mastitis Test (CMT) was introduced to help illuminate this mystery
With USDA’s Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) hearing concluding after a record 49 hearing days, NMPF is now going through about 12,000 pages of hearing testimony transcript, reviewing our own...